Security Engineering


Security Engineering

Resilientsolution robust Enterprise Security Services assist organizations across the globe in adopting a data-centric approach to their security positioning while having control over the access to the infrastructure and applications they rely upon. This way, they can not only create trust and authenticity in their transactions but also ensure that sensitive data is protected and not breached. It ensures that the data is secured not only on-premises but also on public and private clouds. Additionally, Resilient Solutionds’ Security Services assist organizations in improving business efficiencies and scale to the identity and data protection needs of the future.  Never before the need for advanced identity and data protection solutions have been more important than now. With confidential and important data sitting everywhere, it has become imperative to stop the breach epidemic that has been growing lately.

Security Engineering

Cyber and Infra Security

Cybersecurity challenges are different for different businesses in every industry. In the current digital ecosystem, where information is just a click away and is accessible from any nook or corner of the world, data privacy and protection stand at great risk.

                        Year after year, the expenditure on cybersecurity continues to grow. It was USD 71.1 billion in 2014 (7.9% over 2013), and USD 75 billion in 2015 (4.7% from 2014). It is expected to reach USD 101 billion by 2020. Organizations are fast beginning to understand that malware today is openly available, making anyone become a potential cyber attacker. Additionally, companies offer security solutions that do little to defend against these attacks. Hence, a holistic approach to cybersecurity encompassing detection, prevention, and protection is of utmost importance.

Security Engineering

Identity and Access Management

A robust Identity & Access Management solution that enables enterprises in employee productivity and increase their security postures.

Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a crucial undertaking for any enterprise. Identity management costs can be reduced by enterprises that develop mature IAM capabilities. Additionally, those enterprises can become significantly more agile in supporting new business initiatives.

Security Engineering

Advanced Threat Management

Latest techniques and advanced test methodologies to effectively address potential security risks and provides confidence to clients.

To safeguard applications from evolving security threats, Resilientsolution has adopted latest techniques and advanced test methodologies to effectively address potential security risks. Our unique approach unearths vulnerabilities in application and provides confidence to our clients before delivering it to market.

Security Engineering

FedRAMP Advisory Services

Design and develop security controls that meet FedRAMP requirements in a smarter, faster, and simplified manner .

Resilient Solution Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) advisory services are designed to simplify security for the Digital Next age. Working hand-in-hand with your in-house team, we will identify, understand, and help you overcome your unique cyber compliance challenges and ensure systems are meeting security standards and protocols.

Madhapur, Hyderabad