Resilient Digi insight solutions that provides MLOPS (Machine Learning Operations). It s possible that this company was established or changed its name after my knowledge cutoff, or it may be a relatively new or niche company that I m not familiar with. However, I can provide you with some general information about MLOPS. MLOPS refers to the practices and tools used to streamline the deployment, monitoring, and management of machine learning models in production environments. It aims to bridge the gap between data science and operations teams to ensure reliable and scalable deployment of machine learning models.


AutoML And Model Deployment

MLOPS typically involves a combination of software engineering, machine learning, and DevOps practices. It includes steps such as model versioning, reproducibility, continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD), infrastructure orchestration, monitoring, and automated retraining.

Several companies and open-source tools provide MLOPS solutions and platforms, offering features like model version control, experiment tracking, deployment automation, and monitoring capabilities. Some popular MLOPS platforms include Kubeflow, MLflow, TFX, and Seldon.

If "ResilientSolutions" is a different name or a new company, I recommend conducting a search to gather up-to-date information about their offerings in the MLOPS space.

Madhapur, Hyderabad